ISO14001 Environmental Management
Senior Bird Bellows are proud to maintain an Environmental Management System certified by BSI to comply with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 (Cert No. EMS740160).
Our product solutions are designed, manufactured and tested in-house by our team of experienced engineers.
We take a great deal of pride in our portfolio of approvals and certifications, the extent of which demonstrates our commitment to being the best in class.
Senior Bird Bellows are proud to maintain an Environmental Management System certified by BSI to comply with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 (Cert No. EMS740160).
Our Quality Management system is certified by BSI and maintained in compliance with EN9100:2018 / AS9100D and JISQ 9100:2016.
The basis for our aerospace certified Quality System is our BSI certified continued compliance to ISO9001:2015.
The basis for our aerospace certified Quality System is our BSI certified continued compliance to ISO9001:2015.
Both our X-Ray and Dye Penetrant Inspection capabilities benefit from continued accreditation to Nadcap which is the definitive recognition of our capabilities in these disciplines.
We are proud to hold a production approval granted by the UK CAA, recognizing the competency our processes and personnel, providing the privilege to certify and direct ship our products to end users.
Approved supplier and qualified source for a range of precision Airbus metallic products and assemblies.
Approved supplier for Rolls Royce on the basis of our demonstrated capabilities and on ongoing commitment to compliance to SABRe. Under this approval we also conduct design activities and supply of critical parts
Long standing approved supplier of design, qualification and production activities in compliance with EQRS
Approved supplier with Part 21 arrangement to ship commercial aircraft components direct to airlines
Approved supplier in accordance with QRS-01
Approved supplier of metallic components into this Tier 1
Approved supplier of design/qualification activities and production components
Approved supplier of specialist design/engineering and product manufacture
Approved supplier of specialist design/engineering and product manufacture
Approved supplier of specialist design/engineering and product manufacture
Approved supplier of specialist design/engineering and product manufacture
Approved supplier of specialist design/engineering and product manufacture
Approved supplier of specialist design/engineering and product manufacture
Senior Bird Bellows both host and conduct supplier audits, applying a risk-based approach to ensure best use of time and resource. We fully appreciate the importance of these assurance activities. Our commitment to quality goes beyond certifications. Our culture of quality pervades the entire business, enabling us to maintain the highest of standards and support every customer’s individual needs.
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